8 x 6 inches
60 pages
1 poetic story
Special features
• Ninth book written by Jodie Mitchell – published in 2018
• This book is perfect in helping others see the difference between God’s Light and the world’s darkness
• Entire book is in full color
• Total of 1 poetic story along with 2 other poems
• A suspenseful booklet about how an ordinary night of fun can turn into a very dangerous moment
• Artistic illustrations that help readers experience a bit of nostalgia
• A section for others to learn an important message about good and evil
• A special section just for children along with invitation for parents to help small hearts accept Jesus
• A section for a deeper look within through encouraging questions, prayers and scriptures
• A few interesting facts about the author, Jodie Mitchell, and the poetry
This book is prayerfully dedicated to those who want so much to be in
God’s Light but feel that the “monsters” in the dark are pulling them down.
May the Lord give you the courage you need to step into His Light and stay there.
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12