Let’s Be Still and Know
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10
Please know that whenever you see the Hummingbird symbol on our website it is here to remind you that WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!
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Hummingbirds come in a variety of colors and species; they are very mysterious and most times are not visible in one place very long. There are rare moments when hummingbirds can be very gentle by getting close to humans and drinking out of their hands. Most however, feed from a hummingbird feeder on the sweet nectar with their needle like beak.
The first thing you may notice about them is their beauty is filled with vibrant color. They may appear as fragile but in reality, they are fierce protectors and can be quite territorial.
Still, one could learn a few things from the hummingbird as these tiny creatures carry a beautiful message and are part of God’s Creation. My friend, we pray you will take some time to look for the hummingbirds, as most are seen during early morning hours, just before dusk.
When you do, take “pause” and remember… Our God reigns and HE is to be exalted! For, HE is above the nations, the leaders, the earth, and HE is above all that troubles us here on this earth…